Why I’m Running For County Board

I’m Audrey Clement, the Independent candidate for Arlington County Board. As a 20-year Westover resident, long time civic activist, and past member of the Transportation Commission, I’m running for County Board because the County has pushed harmful policies resulting in: increased crime, overcrowded schools,  gentrification and loss of green space. I also oppose the adopted FY 2025 tax rate hike that together with rising assessments will increase the average household’s annual tax and fee burden by $541. (p. 3). That’s an increase of 5.1% or almost double the ten year average rate of inflation.

In 2023 the County rammed through a “Missing Middle”, an ordinance that upzoned single family neighborhoods throughout the county despite massive opposition from homeowners and the County’s own data showing that moderate income residents cannot afford Missing Middle units. Last year ten Arlington homeowners challenged the rezoning in Arlington Circuit Court. The County’s reaction? To tax gouge the taxpayers by paying an outside firm $700 per hour to fight the homeowners legal challenge.

If elected, I pledge to:

  • Seek immediate tax relief for residents and businesses.
  • Stop Missing Middle by lobbying to preserve single family neighborhoods.
  • Reduce the crime rate by disincentivizing crime.
  • Reduce the office vacancy rate by lobbying federal agencies to relocate here.
  • Preserve Arlington’s cultural heritage. Stop permitting the destruction of historic structures like the Rouse estate.
  • Save our parks, streams and tree canopy. Stop clearcutting wooded areas along streams like Donaldson Run and Gulf Branch.

If you share my agenda, then:

  • Spread the word about my candidacy.
  • Donate to my campaign.
  • Help make the “Arlington Way” more than an empty phrase.