PRESS RELEASE: Arlington County Board Hatchets Two Advisory Commissions

August 15, 2022.

I’m running for Arlington County Board on November 8, and I’m concerned about the current Board’s termination of two advisory commissions without public notice.

Both the Emergency Preparedness Advisory Commission (EPAC) and the Aquatics Committee were informed in May that they were going to be dissolved by the end of the fiscal year, June 30, 2022.

County Board voted unanimously to immediately terminate EPAC at its July 19, 2022 recess meeting, after committee liaison Christian Dorsey announced a new County Manager appointed committee to replace it. The Board action on this matter was not placed on the meeting agenda.

The Aquatics Committee, whose members were appointed by the County and School Boards, will be replaced by an advisory group modeled on a single-school School Plan Advisory Committee. The Aquatics Committee was terminated without so much as a vote by either the County or School Boards, and the public was never afforded an opportunity to weigh in on the dissolution of either advisory group.

Some believe that these commissions had outlived their usefulness–Aquatics because oversight of the Long Bridge Aquatics and Fitness Center, was no longer needed after it was built in 2021. EPAC had to go because it supposedly did little useful work.

These arguments don’t hold much water. The three county high schools still host community swimming pool activities that require year round oversight.

If its detailed monthly reports to County Board are any indication, EPAC took its oversight mission very seriously and wasn’t shy about giving advice to County Board, all at a time when the pandemic was surging and a state of local emergency was in effect.

If elected I am going to insist upon public input for and transparency about all County Board decisions, including the specifics of all votes. I will also:

  • Seek immediate tax relief for residents and businesses.
  • Stop Missing Middle upzoning of residential neighborhoods.
  • Save our parks, streams and tree canopy and stop clearcutting wooded areas on public property.
  • Say YES to real social justice reforms and NO to symbolic gestures.

As an 18-year Westover resident, long-time civic activist and former member of the Transportation Commission, I have both the experience and independence to promote these reforms.

If you share my agenda, then:

  • Spread the word about my candidacy.
  • Donate and/or volunteer.
  • Pick up a “Clement for County Board” yard sign.
  • Help make the “Arlington Way” more than an empty phrase.