PRESS RELEASE: Arlington County Board Axes Human Rights Commission

September 2, 2024.

On Tuesday, August 27 at a 1 p.m. public meeting, Arlington County dissolved its Human Rights Commission (HRC). It also amended Section 31 of Arlington County Code (Human Rights Ordinance) to create a new commission with a smaller board and a much more limited mission.

I’m Audrey Clement, the Independent candidate for Arlington County Board on November 5.

If you were unaware of this under-the-radar development, that’s no surprise. The weekday afternoon meeting was conveniently scheduled to discourage attendance from people on vacation and those like me who were busy at work.

So what prompted County Board’s dead of night move to ax the HRC? In February, 2024 the HRC sent a letter to the U.S Department of Justice (DOJ) requesting that it investigate a number of recent deaths at the County jail. County Board and others have construed HRC’s move as rank insubordination, since County commissions are supposed to be advisory only.

Yet the HRC explicitly cited the authority for its letter as Arlington County Code 31-6(J):

“Among the Commission’s functions and powers includes referring to the appropriate state or federal agency, complaints of discrimination which are within the jurisdiction of the state or federal agency.” HRC letter to AAG Kristen Clarke circa 2/9/24.

This section of County Code clearly authorized HRC’s letter to DOJ, especially since the local chapter of the NAACP had previously complained to DOJ about conditions at the jail.

No more. Under a new section 31-6(S) adopted on 8/27/24, HRC is required to get written approval from County Board to correspond with external agencies.

Not only that, the new ordinance explicitly denies HRC jurisdiction to hear complaints about human rights violations from the county government workforce. See Sections 31-2 and 31-6(S). That authority now presumably devolves upon the County Manager and/or government unions, in effect enabling the fox to guard the hen house.

If you have issues with the County’s heavy-handed tactics in disbanding its own human rights commission, rest assured I do too. If elected, I will at a minimum seek guidance on the legality of denying county government employees protection under the Human Rights Ordinance.

If elected, I also pledge to:

  • Seek immediate tax relief for residents and businesses.
  • Convene a task force of community stakeholders to study reasonable alternatives to Missing Middle upzoning.

If you share my agenda, then:

  • Spread the word about my candidacy.
  • Volunteer or donate to my campaign.
  • Help make the “Arlington Way” more than an empty phrase.

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