PRESS RELEASE: Arlington GOP Targeted By Democrat Voters

Comments at Arlington County Board Meeting, December 16, 2023.

This is a belated annual political yard sign report. The good news is that out of about 750 “Clement” signs deployed throughout the county, 60 percent or about 450 were recovered after the election–a vast improvement over 2022 when an estimated 70 percent were confiscated. Thanks to the winners of the 2023 County Board race for their leadership on the campaign trail.

The bad news is that other Democrats did not follow their example on Election Day. Local GOP chair Matt Hurtt reported that he was accosted by an irate Democratic voter for passing out GOP sample ballots at the Dawson Terrace precinct. Hurtt captured some of the altercation on his cell phone. Fox News got the video and replayed it on the Jesse Watters show, where it then went viral.

The voter told Hurtt: “You might have been walking up to the polling station and put a gun to my head trying to tell me not to vote. [You expect me not to take that personally?” ]

When Watters asked “What’s the deal with this guy?” Hurtt replied: “This is the tolerant left in Arlington County. The Arlington County Republican Committee is working hard to earn the votes of people across Arlington, and Democrat voters and progressive activists are not excited about it. They are very upset that we are organizing behind enemy lines in Northern Virginia.” Hurtt said he is pursuing charges against the voter who accosted him.

Yet another irate voter was caught on video on November 7 declaring: “All maggots needs to go to Gitmo. You Republican maggots are scum. [You’re scum, buddy.]” Meanwhile so-called progressives routinely denounce Trump and the GOP as fascist. Go figure.